

Invisalign® is available for adults and teenagers, Invisalign® is a system for straightening teeth without the use of a conventional fixed braces.

The treatment consists of a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that you change every week. Each aligner is made from a scan of your teeth fabricated, and customised to fit your own teeth.

As you change each aligner your teeth move, little by little, week by week until they have straightened to their final position.

The aligners are designed using advanced 3D technology called a ClinCheck® to produce a simulation of the tooth movements throughout your treatment. Invisalign is a tool which is used to straighten your teeth, like all tools, they are only as effective as the user. We know there are certain movements that work really well with Invisalign®, and other more difficult movements can be unpredictable. However, we will assess and discuss this at your initial consultation. For more complicated cases we may suggest a hybrid approach where we can do most of the treatment with Invisalign® and finish off the more difficult movements with clear fixed braces for a few months at the end to achieve your ideal results.

Treated with invisalign