
Fixed retainers

We know teeth will move throughout life, this can happen to everyone regardless if they have had orthodontic treatmenvsdt or not.

As part of your orthodontic treatment, Dr. Zaid will fit you with upper and lower fixed retainers and upper and lower removable retainers.

The fixed retainer is made up from a customised stainless steel wire, which is bonded to the enamel of your teeth. This is fitted behind the top 4 teeth and the lower 6 teeth. Studies have shown that over 90% of these can last up to 10 years without breaking, with some lasting even longer than that.

Removable retainers are customised plastic overlay retainers which sit over your top and bottom of your teeth, these need to be worn every night for the first year then decreasing in the long term, Dr. Zaid will devise a long-term plan for your when you finish your treatment to maintain your result lifelong.

Extraction or treatment without extraction

Dr. Zaid would always where possible, favour treatment without taking out adult teeth, however, there are some situations where this is not possible, especially where there would be a lack of space to align very crowded teeth. Before doing any treatment Zaid would go through and discuss all available options available with you.

Removable retainers